Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Train movements not muscles! Close Grip Pull-ups lead to bigger guns and squats tone the thighs???

Guys want bigger arms, women want tighter thighs, we all have certain areas on our body that we want to improve....but using isolation moves to improve a certain muscle group is not what I would recommend. Instead one should focus on training movements the takes every joint angle through its full range of motion. Compound exercises like deadlifts and squats recruit more than one muscle fiber at a time and are full body movements, Dead-lifts for example work muscles in the legs, entire back, shoulders, and arms...and of course all compound moves are great core exercises.

Training for movements is called functional training in the fitness world today and in reality it should be the way every one trains because functional training is mimicking natural movements that we do from day to day., from fun sports play or just regular chores around the house our body is moving through different ranges of motions and we should be training for these movements

I know you still want to do bicep curls because you saw Arnold do them back in his day when he was huge right? Well besides the fact the Arnold admitted to taking steroids when he was 16 in his bio, plus his great genes, and 3 hours he spent daily in the gym, (which who has the time for that?) if you go back and look at his workouts you will notice Arnold did deadlifts and squats every other day. So yes you can do bicep curls but there only really effective if you’re doing compound moves as well. Isolation moves are meant for the latter part of the workout and yes can be beneficial for balancing out limb strength but compound movements are always ones best choice for muscle growth, increased BMD, and core strength.

Try working on close-grip pull-ups for biceps strength. This is a great compound movement that will overload the biceps and work the outside lats and core. Doing solid close grip pull-ups tells me more about a guy’s bicep strength then the size of his arms do.... And no pull-ups is not all about how much one weighs, yes it may be easier to more pull-ups with less weight but I have seen 240+ lbs guys perform 20 pull-ups with perfect form and a weight belt.

Everyone has to start from somewhere so if one spends more time practicing functional training; their workouts will be much more effective. Hey if you really want the full benefits sometimes the hardest exercises are the best. Work within your own means, don't try to match Arnold's weight, practice perfect form, but stay out of your comfort zone for that 45 60 mins of your intense workout and then rest and enjoy the rest of your day with good nutrition...think about, that is less than an hour of intense training and then your done. That is way training day can be everyday!!!

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