Friday, January 6, 2012

Here is to a healthy 2012!

The one thing I have learned from studying the human body is that with proper nutrition and rest we can push our bodies much harder then we think during workouts. Our bodies are meant to be strong, like machines they are meant to be pushed and will only get stronger the more we push them. Not believer at all that the end of world is near but lets say for kicks the end is near and we are cut off from electricity and we have to survive all on our own. Only the fittest would survive! Sure you got to be smart to survive but you also got be tough and in shape to survive, you may have to hunt your own food or run from Zombies for all we know.
I like to train at intensity during my workouts like the end is near, resting little between sets and going hard through each rep. I train like their is no tomorrow...does that make me Crazy? Well because I train like I do, I sleep great at night, feel great in the morning, full of energy through out the day, and have never felt better about myself. So in reality I say you are the crazy one if you are not giving it all and taking advantage of this great gift that we have which is the human body. 

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