Thursday, October 20, 2011

TALKING PROTEIN! Facts, types, and intake.

 Protein, along with carbs and fat, is a macronutrient, which basically means the body needs a relatively large amount of protein to function properly.  Although protein itself does not actually build muscle, it does play an important role in muscle development, athletic performance, and one's overall health.  Some benefits of protein include producing antibodies, enzymes, and transferring oxygen throughout the body. Of course another known benefit is that amino acids are the building blocks of the body which makes them important for the bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood in the body. Of the 22 amino acids that are most important to the body, 9 are "essential" which means the body cannot manufacture them so they must be supplied as part of the diet.

Animal and vegetable proteins are the best sources for protein to choose. However, an important tip to remember when picking a protein source is to look at the whole package, how much calories, fat, sugar does this protein source have? A porterhouse steak is a great source of protein but it is also high in saturated fat so make sure to read all the contents of any protein source before consuming it. It is recommended for individuals who work out at a high intensity, on a regular basis, to take a protein shake post workout. Although food should always be the first choice when it comes to protein, some athletes may need to consume a protein shake to prevent muscle loss and to help with the recovery process.

Whey protein is the most recommended protein powder. There are 3 different types of whey protein, concentrate, isolate, hydrolyzed. All these types have their benefits; isolate has less fat so its is better for indidivuduals looking to build lean mass because more fats and carbs are cut out from whey isolate making it's  protein concentration between 90 to 96%. Whey isolate also filters out lactose and other impurities from their products which makes it an obvious choice for lactose intolerant individuals. Concentrate is better for bulking because it contains more carbs, and hydrolyzed is the best digested and absorbed whey protein of the three types. In reality, as long as one is consuming whey protein without discomfort and meeting the standards for protein consumption, it doesn't really mater which of the three types is used . The time of the day can also affect which protein to choose, for example, whey protein is best taken before and after workouts because it is quickly adsorbed. Casein, a slow digesting protein, is best taken before bedtime  because casein can take up to 7 hours to absorb. No need to buy casein protein powder though because casein is the predominate protein found in milk.

Now to the fun part, how much protein does one need? Below are the standards set by NSCA research, which gives one a pretty good idea of how much protein one should consume. It is important to note that consuming too little protein or too much protein can lead to health problems and high amounts of protein will lead to unwanted excess body fat. Following the guidelines below along with a balanced diet and adequate caloric intake, will ensure the benefits of protein.

-The standard method used by nutritionists to estimate our minimum daily protein requirement is:

O.8 g/kg(0.36/pounds) (NSCA)

-Above intake is not quite enough for individuals participating in heavy Resistance and long endurance training. The general recommendation for groups involved in these activities is:

1.5 TO 2.0 G/KG OF BODY WEIGHT, this is assuming these groups are on a balance diet with an adequate intake (NSCA).

-VEGANS may need to consume more than 2.0 g/kg of body weight.

-Example for calculating protein intake:

154 lb male who is a regular exerciser and lifts weights
154 lbs/2.2 = 70kg
70kg x 1.5 = 105 gm protein/day

Baechle TR, Earle RW. (Eds). (2000). Essentials of strength training and conditioning.Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

1 comment:

  1. important information muscle development, athletic performance, and one's overall health.Thanks
